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CCT Publications

Man in yellow climbing on the Organ Pipes

Photo by Andrew Serack

This document has been prepared by the Climbers Club of Tasmania (CCT) in order to ensure a minimum standard for fixed climbing anchors in Tasmania. The information contained in this document has been obtained from a large sample of existing standards and additional input based on experience with Tasmanian rock types. The intent of these guidelines is to provide a standard of practice for placing fixed anchors.

This code of conduct is underpinned by the objectives of the Climbers Club of Tasmania (CCT) and informed by Codes of Conduct from other states and internationally. The purpose of this document is to define best practices for the Tasmanian climbing community.

The constitution for the Climbers Club of Tasmania.

An outline of the relationship between Climbers Club of Tasmania and Crag Care.

An overview of the Crag Stewardship program. This outlines the role and responsibilities of stewards. This includes the list of fixed emails for all crag stewards.

A community forum, hosted by CCT, bought a broad cross section of Organ Pipes climbers and route setters to clarify the community opinion around further route development on the Organ Pipes. This outlines community expectations on climb quality, impact, and when to consult further with the broader community.

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